It’s Thanksgiving. Maybe you were a rock star and downloaded our Free Vegan Thanksgiving Cookbook. But, maybe you didn’t. And now you have vegan guests. What to do? You want your guests to feel comfortable, right? (If you answered “no” to this, you probably shouldn’t host a party). Fielding uncomfortable questions from meat eaters is […]
Want to help animals affected by the California Camp, Woolsey, and Hill Fires? We feel you. Read on… Three of the deadliest fires in California history are ripping through northern and southern parts of the state. With thousands of people and animals displaced, Governor Jerry Brown requested a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA granted […]
Another festival has come and gone, leaving us with new friends, delicious recipes, and a whole DropBox full of pictures and videos. Road trip and festival documentary is in post-production now—stay tuned! In the meantime, we want to highlight a few of our favorite finds from the Montreal Vegan Festival 2018. We were excited to […]
Miami, USA The only time less is more in Miami is during Halloween. And we’re strictly referring to clothing. In the city where anything goes, you leave with unforgettable memories, glowing skin, and maybe a little less of your dignity. Who cares though? You partied “in the city where the heat is on” and we’re […]